Tuesday 27 November 2012

Do I even lift?

Going to the gym has got to be one of the best decisions I've made this year. Not only has it given me hours of entertainment, but it's also made my body slightly more appealing to look at. I've been going to the gym for about 10 months now, give or take a few weeks. Throughout this year I've been attending a small, local gym by the name of 'David's Gym', quite humble in nature and also very small in size. (but awesome nonetheless)

I mentioned in my first post that I haven't been going to the gym for the last few weeks due to my gym partner, the scoundrel, taking off to Thailand. On top of that I went on a bit of a binge with alcohol for about a week. To be fair it was with a large group of people, but I think it might have hurt my body just a little bit more than I wanted. It's going to be very interesting to return to gym and see how these past few weeks have affected my lifts.

As of the last time I was there, my main lifts were at (1RM):
Squat: 115kg
Bench: 80kg
Deadlift: 125kg
OHP: 52.5kg

Compared to when I started out, I think I'm doing alright for a 6'0', 70kg guy (do I even lift?).

But really I'm looking forward to getting back to it asap. Self improvement is something I take great pride in, not to mention I've missed the fun times I spent with my friends while we were there. Gym is really an experience that you should spend with you friends, otherwise it gets old very quickly. It's also nice to have someone you know spotting you when you're trying out your 1RM bench. I'm not sure I trust that many people in my gym with my life; other than my bros of course.

Looking forward to keeping this blog updated with my progress, among other things.

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