Monday 26 November 2012

Where to start...

Well, where to start, for a while now I've had a relatively strong interest in the blogging world. I've spent many a night trudging through an array of different blogs to do with my interests, and many more which I still wonder why I even read them.

At this point in my life I've scored more free time than at any other time I can remember, and what I've realised about having free time is that it isn't as great as I once thought. Really, with the exception of the countless hours of video games I've played in the time I've had so far, I can't remember doing a single memorable thing.

Other than gaming my only other real passion is going to the gym, and I enjoy it as more of a social experience than anything. With your friends by your side it's really very worthwhile and I would encourage everyone to do it. Unfortunately for me however my gym buddy decided to run off to Thailand with his girlfriend for a few weeks. Really that ruined my motivation. He returns from his trip this coming weekend, and when that time comes I'm going to jump back into routine.

A close friend of mine once told me that the most important thing in life was the height a person could jump. Really he did love talking about how large his vertical leap was, and it did matter to him. I didn't care though, honestly. But everyone does need something to aim for, and I respect that friend for having a good time in reaching those goals of his.

So that's probably what this blog will be about I guess, goals/aspirations/dreams whatever you want to call them, big or small, I'll share them. If I don't, well, I might die from the massive amount of mediocrity that's been piled onto me from the stretch of holidays I'm about to 'enjoy'. Looking forward to posting more. Cool.

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